Europe Experienced Extreme Stress Days in 2023

In 2023, Europe experienced an unprecedented number of days characterized by extreme heat stress as reported by two prominent climate monitoring organizations on Monday. This highlights the growing danger of deadly summers throughout the continent.

Amidst a year marked by stark contradictions, Europe faced blistering heatwaves alongside devastating floods, prolonged droughts, intense storms, and the most extensive wildfire on record. These calamities resulted in significant financial losses, amounting to billions of dollars, and adversely affected over two million individuals, according to a recent collaborative report from the EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service and the UN’s World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

Health repercussions were notably severe, with heat identified by these organizations as a primary climate-related hazard, exacerbated by the ongoing global warming intensifying European summers.

“We’re seeing an increasing trend in the number of days with heat stress across Europe and 2023 was no exception, with Europe seeing a record number of days with extreme heat stress,” said Rebecca Emerton, a climate scientist at Copernicus.

To conduct this study, Copernicus and WMO utilized the Universal Thermal Climate Index, designed to assess the impact of the environment on human health. This index considers factors beyond mere high temperatures, including humidity, wind speed, sunshine, and heat emitted by the surroundings.

With 10 distinct categories for heat and cold stress, the index quantifies the ‘feels-like’ temperature in degrees Celsius.

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