10 Killed in Floods in Kenyan Capital, Nairobi

On Wednesday, storms and flash foods transformed roads into rushing rivers and inundated homes with waist-high muddy water across Nairobi, the Kenyan capital, resulting in the loss of atleast 10 lives.

In recent weeks, the East Africa region has been battered by relentless downpours, with the El Nino weather pattern exacerbating the already heavy season rainfall. Many vehicles were stuck in the deluge and people waded through floodwaters to reach safely.

“The number of bodies recovered so far is 10 and we have other people who are missing,” Fred Abuga, a local police commander, told AFP.

An estimated 60,000 people mostly women and children have been affected by the floods as per the Nairobi County governor’s office.

The Kenya Meteorological Department issued a warning indicating that “heavy to very heavy” rainfall is expected in different parts of the country until May.

On Wednesday, in one particular incident, police resorted to firing tear gas to disperse irate residents who had blocked a major highway with long lines of cars, demanding government intervention regarding the floods.

The railway announced the temporary suspension of commuter train services, while the roads authority said four roads in the capital had been partly closed.

“The city is at a standstill because most roads are flooded,” said Uber driver Kelvin Mwangi. “We are having to use longer routes and, in some cases, we can’t get to our destination.”

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